Taking Care of Business

Josephine Ozougwu, Executive Consultant

Josephine Ozougwu Headshot

Josephine Ozougwu worked as a nurse for 23 years, owns a home health care company and a bakery. Her life changed forever when her husband was diagnosed with cancer. Suddenly, she didn’t have the time to run two businesses. But with four of her five children in college she couldn’t afford to give up her income, even though her own health was compromised by a herniated disk.

“What I saw with Ambit was an opportunity to make money and at the same time take care of my husband, get my freedom back and be a blessing to others,” Josephine says. Her husband, who had watched her fail to succeed with selling various other products, was skeptical, but told her to go ahead.

Despite all the challenges she faced, Josephine was able to find time to devote a little time each day to working her Ambit business. And it paid off.

Making A Healthy Income
“Ambit has provided us with incredible financial results. I do Ambit part time, but get a fulltime income,” Josephine says. “I have my freedom back. I don’t have to work night shifts, and I’ve made many great friends from our Ambit team.” For Josephine, the keys to success was being flexible with her already busy schedule and inserting Ambit in when and where she could. “Be flexible with an already busy schedule, don’t give up. Your challenges cannot be compared with the wonderful benefits of financial and time freedom you will get at the end.”

Today, Josephine is especially interested in helping nurses learn more about Ambit. “So many nurses have time and financial problems,” she says, “Ambit is such a great opportunity and a great company.”

A Prescription For Success
According to Josephine, success may not always come quickly or easily, but it will come. “Follow the system. Go to your meetings, trainings and AMBITION. Be teachable and coachable. Have an accountability partner and mentors.”  She reminds everyone “you have a seed of greatness residing inside of you. Don’t let anyone steal your dream.”

Today, Josephine looks forward to a better future than ever. Her husband Aja has been cancer free for more than five years, and all of her five children have completed college—in fact, she’s now also a proud grandmother! She also has a growing Ambit business that provides a secure income that she will be able to pass on.

“I am blessed,” she says. “All those trials and tribulations have turned into testimonies.”

For Josephine, taking care of business has truly helped her take even better care of her family and their future.

My Why
To get financial and time freedom for myself and family and to help others do the same.  Especially nurses who have little free time and many financial problems.

Time spent working my Ambit business
Part-time 30 minutes-3 hours everyday to every other day.

Single most effective success Tool, factor for growing my business
To do my best by following the system and Trust God for the rest.

My favorite thing about Ambition
The announcements and new promotions.

Thanks to the 5 Senior Consultants that helped me reach EC
Ajachukwu Ozougwu, Ebi & Mina Komonibo, Steve Onu, Francess Igwilo, and Christopher Ogbonna

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