Painting a Brighter Future

Wojciech Liczkowski, Executive Consultant

Wojciech Liczkowski Headshot

Wojciech Liczkowski always knew he’d own his own business. He ran a painting and home remodeling company and sold cars online. In fact, a taste for being his own boss was something he inherited from his father, who also owned construction and car businesses in the United States and Poland. “I looked up to my dad being his own boss growing up, and knew that’s what I wanted to be,” Wojciech remembers. Luckily for Wojciech, his dad had another business inspiration to pass on: being an Ambit Independent Consultant.

“I was pressured by my dad to attend a business presentation,” Wojciech says, “and that is when I met EC Piotr Luda. I found out he was traveling back and forth between Chicago and Dallas working his business and I figured he had to be doing well to pay for that. So I summoned up the courage to call him and invite him to dinner.”

The dinner lasted four hours, and during that time Wojciech decided to be not just an Ambit Customer, but an Ambit Independent Consultant.

“I wanted a life of financial freedom and independence. And my traditional business was not going to give me that.”

Quitting A Job, Gaining A Life
Wojciech’s proudest moment as an Ambit Independent Consultant came when he was able to quit both of his traditional businesses. It was especially important to him because his mother was suffering from a medical condition that would eventually claim her life. “I was able to be with her and take care of her full-time,” Wojciech says. “It is thanks to Ambit that I was able to be with her throughout her ordeal.”

While those last times with his mother are the most important thing to Wojciech, he also credits Ambit for helping him develop his strength and perseverance. “There were times I wanted to quit. Thanks so much to everyone who helped me along the way and enabled me to reach this level.”

He also sees a brighter future with Ambit. “I see a life where I can grow my business to a huge level and help so many people along the way. It is a future I could never have seen had I not been in Ambit.”

The Color Of Success
Now that he’s achieved the level of Executive Consultant, Wojciech is ready to offer tips to others. “Don’t quit,” he says. “Do your best to stay consistent in your Ambit business. Lack of consistency is a killer. Find your motivation, something that will get you up in the morning and do the things you don’t want to do.”

He also emphasizes the importance of working with his team members. “I do my best to be there for them and help them through the difficulties I went through. Watching them develop and grow is very rewarding for me.”

“Trust yourself, the people mentoring you, and the system.”

All good suggestions from somebody who’s wanted to run his own business since he was a little boy, and who’s had more than one brush with success as a business owner.

My “Why”:
To be able to start a family and have financial freedom without having to work seven days a week

Time spent working the Ambit business:
A few hours a day, consistent and keeping priorities straight.

What was your single most-effective Success Tool, factor or influence for growing your business?
EC Piotr Luda and his wife Gosia. I met them and I saw their lifestyle and saw the life they were living and wanted the same for myself. Most importantly…his dreams and passion influenced me the most. He is such a big dreamer and that allowed me to dream big for myself.

Name your favorite thing about AMBITION:
All the conversations with all the people there. Learning about other people’s struggles and success.

Thanks to the five SCs who helped in the journey to becoming an Executive Consultant:
Dylan Do, Roman Rogala, Par Te, Niang Vung, and Ahmed Almrayatee Allen

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