Designing a Path to Destiny

Estela Alvarado, Executive Consultant

Estela Alvarado Headshot

EC Profile Estela Alvarado

Executive Consultant Estela Alvarado dreamed of a different life while growing up in Mexico. As the oldest of seven siblings, she dropped out of school to help her parents and provide for her younger siblings. “I walked for two hours to get to the closest town, Tasquillo, to help my family, and I had to work as a maid for a family in the town.” Estela wanted to help her parents more and soon moved to the United States. Along with her husband, Ruben, Estela worked two jobs while going to school and sent money back to her family in Mexico. After moving into their first apartment, Ruben reached out to a friend for help to set up their electricity. That’s the first time Estela was introduced to The Ambit Opportunity.

Making Dreams Come True
Estela finished cosmetology school shortly after learning about Ambit. “When I was graduating as a cosmetologist, a dream and goal that I had since I was little, is when we learned about Ambit.” She didn’t know they were about to begin a new adventure. “After that was when I started a new challenge in my life and Ruben’s life, the challenge of having our own business.” Estela’s ‘Why’ was easy for her. “It’s always been my family.” That ‘Why’ and inspiration from her Dad are what kept her going as she began the entrepreneur life.

“My dad always encouraged me and led by example.” She used that motivation to discover skills she didn’t know she had to help grow her Ambit business. She got the drive to continue with her goal to become an Executive Consultant because of her father. She now uses that motivation to help other Consultants in her downline find success in their Ambit businesses.

Moving to a New Future
With hard work and determination, she’s been able to see her dreams come true right before her eyes. She also wouldn’t change any part of her Ambit journey, even with the setbacks. “I have made Ambit my career, the one that I dreamt about and helped my husband to stop working.” If there’s one thing she’s most proud of, it’s being able to encourage others with her testimony. One of the best parts of her story is when she realized Ambit was the business for her. “At the beginning, I didn’t think I was going to be able to make this business work. But when I reached the senior level, I realized I could get that and more.” With her success and bright plans for the future, we know Estela will continue to change the lives of others with her testimony and lessons learned.

Five EC Pieces

My “Why?”
A better lifestyle for my family

Time spent working my Ambit business:

What was your single most-effective Success Tool, factor or influence for growing your business?
One on one presentations and the Ambit system.

Name your favorite thing about AMBITION:
Listening to the amazing testimonies and spending time with other Consultants.

Thanks to the five SCs who helped me reach EC.
Emily Calzada, Laura Collazo, Perla Salas, Ketzalli Ibarra, Oliva Zabala

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