Committed to Service and Leadership

Jeffrey Rollins, Executive Consultant

Jeffrey Rollins Headshot

From the time he was a teenager, Jeffrey Rollins knew he wanted to be in business for himself. Over the years, he built a successful career as a carpenter and construction manager in the greater New York City area. Despite his hard work, the economic downturn severely impacted his business, and his life. “My ability to support my family was taken away from me,” he says, “I was watching my kids’ dreams of college slip away.”

Just as Jeffrey was at his lowest, his friend EC Jay Emma called him. “He knew my industry was falling apart. He let me know I needed to do this business, and that I’d be good at it.”

At first, his family was skeptical that Ambit would be able to replace their lost income, and they questioned the amount of time and effort that Jeffrey was putting into building another business. But as he progressed from to Regional Consultant to Senior Consultant, they came to appreciate his efforts and his vision.

Nailing A Plan For Success
For Jeffrey, the biggest challenge in building his Ambit business was rebuilding himself. “I was living life on cruise control. Self-development is the key to this business. Every day I work on developing as a leader so I can help other people reach their potential.”

As a result, Jeffrey’s been able to help other people reach their dreams. He believes the best thing about Ambit is the way each Consultant’s success is directly related to the success of others. “In addition to making money, Ambit has allowed me to dream again,” Jeffrey says. “It’s like an awesome self-help program with a great compensation package attached to it.”

As he works toward becoming a National Consultant, Jeffrey hopes to create a path that will allow his wife and five children to reach their dreams free of any financial limitations. His plan includes “helping others reach their goals, and taking the lead into new markets to start new business presentations.”
A Blueprint For Fellow Consultants
Based on his success and experience, Jeffrey suggests that new Consultants follow the system Ambit has in place. He also recommends reading books on leadership and other self-help manuals, as well as listening to tapes or CDs from people who inspire.

“My outlook is that we have the opportunity to dream again and to partner with the finest, most respected energy company in the world.”

It’s a partnership that’s help Jeffrey Rollins rebuild his business, while creating a brighter future for his family and numerous other Ambit Consultants.

My “Why?”
To help my family reach their dreams and goals

Time spent working my/ our Ambit business:
15 to 20 hrs

What was your single most-effective Success Tool, factor or influence for growing your business?

Name your favorite thing about AMBITION:
Integrity of the leadership

Thanks to the five SCs who helped me/ us reach EC.
Erig Walag, Bob & Jen Garcia, Tony & Diana Procopio, Billy Forbes, and Vinny Castiello

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