A Complete Turnaround

Lien Nguyen, Executive Consultant

Lien Nguyen Headshot

A Complete Turnaround

Ambit Energy was a complete about face for Lien Nguyen on many levels. First of all, she’d run a successful chain of retail stores in Michigan until the recession of 2008 forced her to close them. Then, she and her family moved to Plano, Texas. Finally, she says “I have always been anti direct-sales.”

So what changed her mind? Her experience as a Customer, and the convincing sales pitch she got from a friend. “My good friend asked me to let her save me money on my electric bill. After nine months as a Customer, I asked her to show me the business.”

From the start, Lien was determined to succeed. “When I lost my business and had to start over, I knew I NEVER wanted my family to endure that again. I wanted Financial Freedom and stability.” Armed with her determination to never fail or give up, Lien plunged into selling Ambit, full speed ahead!

Rising to the Challenge

As a stay-at-home mom who had just moved to a new community, Lien didn’t have a long list of contacts to reach out to. She credits the support of her husband Norman and NC Frank Schmaeling for helping her achieve her goals. “Everyone needs a mentor and an accountability partner,” she says.

Learning to speak in public was one of Lien’s biggest fears. “I hid for two weeks when I was asked to present at a meeting,” she admits. “Now I’ve gone from fearing the room to owning the room. I now help many companies with their public relations and belong to many networking groups.”

Her willingness to overcome her fears and meet the challenges of owning her own business has paid off. “I have exceeded my expectations by promoting to EC and earning a Five-Star trip,” she says.

Moving Ahead

For Lien, success is less about achieving a specific level as a Consultant than it is about providing for her family’s future. She’s proud that her daughter Jessica is already an Ambit Senior Consultant while still in law school and looks forward to her son Hieuy’s graduation from high school and starting his pre-med studies in college.  “I want to grow my Ambit business in two additional states this year, and help as many Consultants on my team as possible,” she says. “My outlook is as bright as can be. I love my Ambit checks, but I love my Ambit family even more.”

Her advice to other Consultants is simple. “Be coachable and never give up.”

That’s sound advice from a Consultant who overcame the loss of a business, a cross-country move and starting from scratch to turn things around and become a powerful profile of success.

My/ our “Why?”
Options and total Financial Freedom from fear of ever being without!

Time spent working my/ our Ambit business:

What was your single most-effective Success Tool, factor or influence for growing your business?
My Family and their total support!

Name your favorite thing about AMBITION:
Being around like-minded positive people!

Thanks to the five SCs who helped me/ us reach EC.
Jessica Nguyen
Dave Khuong
Vanessa Nguyen
Steve Jong
Joe Lara

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